Monday 14 March 2022



Blooket is a great way to revise topics covered in class in a fun and engaging way. It’s the liveliest time of the week in 5B. 

Saturday 12 March 2022

Onomatopoeic Art

 Onomatopoeiathe formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named (e.g. cuckoosizzle ).


The pupils enjoyed the fun and challenges that came with gymnastics 


Traveller Ethnicity Day

The children learned of the costumes and traditions of the people of the travelling community. 
It was very interesting hearing of the origins of the people. 



 A beautiful a bunch one of the pupils brought to school. 

Puts a spring in my step for sure. 

Ukraine Appeal



 We are extremely fortunate to receive GAA training from Galway Football Captain Seán Kelly. 


  Blooket is a great way to revise topics covered in class in a fun and engaging way. It’s the liveliest time of the week in 5B.